Monday, April 15, 2013

My Cake, OH MY CAKE!

In all my DIYness I have started to do more baking... Oh how I LOVE baking. One of my favorite things to do is to bake. My love for baking started years ago when I baked scones for a local tearoom. Oh I dreamed of baking bread, cakes, any thing that went in the oven I dreamed of baking it.

My journey began when one day I decided I wanted to make a loaf of homemade bread, the old fashion way. Mix, kneed, let rise, punch down, let rise, braid, let rise, bake....... WOW that was an ALL day chore. After working with this bread recipe for a few weeks I decided for times sake I needed to get a recipe that was a bit quicker... NOW it doesn't take me all day and I so enjoy making bread.

Now you may ask, how did you go from making bread to cake? Well it's simple really, baking is something I LOVE to do... I desperately want to open a bakery but I know I can't do that without practicing and perfecting my recipes. Not only that but I also know I need to expand the things I can and know how to bake.

So I decided to bake my own cake making homemade fondant icing... Probably my first mistake since I have never worked with fondant I didn't know the consistency it needed to be. So needless to say my cake, and decorations were less than perfect. My fondant was pretty dry, and cracked a bit I did add a small amount of water to it but it still was pretty difficult to work with. If anyone has any ideas that will help me out I am open to suggestions. Any how here are some pictures of my first time ever homemade cake :-) ENJOY!

The first photo is edited by Instagram

 Now just cut into it and eat it! So much yumminess!